ABOUT Chrissy


Chrissy’s Profile

A passionate leader with impact

Chrissy is a strategic change agent and organizational developer, a bridge builder between backgrounds and generations, and above all: a Scout in values and ambitions.

From local to global level, Chrissy has served the Scout Movement in appointed and elected leadership roles over more than 15 years, accelerating change where it’s most needed. After joining cub Scouts at age 9 in her local troop on the outskirts of Munich, Germany, she quickly recognized the boundless opportunities of the Scouting program and started, as a cub supported by her pack leads, the first cub-led camp planning initiative, bringing youth leadership to the forefront of her local troop life.

To this day, she brings the can-do spirit and hands-on approach needed for camp planning to every leadership role she’s held since then: as District International Commissioner building capacity for international partnerships and intercultural learning in more than 50 local troops, as the first woman and youngest WOSM International Commissioner and Member of the Board spearheading good governance initiatives and strategic planning in her portfolios, and as a Member of the World Scout Committee ringing in a new era of WOSM event support and supervision.

In all these roles, she believes in transformational and shared leadership, empowering those serving with and around her to do their best, be it in leadership training courses in her own National Scout Organization or in leading a fully virtual international team to run the first-ever World Scout Academy to support National Scout Organizations through the COVID-19 pandemic.

Professionally she serves as the Lead Officer in charge of Transformation & Organizational Development at Germany’s largest banking association, the German Association of German Savings Banks. In this role she’s committed to fostering social equity through financial inclusion. She uses her Scouting expertise and extensive previous experience in company consulting and marketing agencies to bring intergenerational dialogue and innovative approaches to progressive consensus building for over 200 000 employees, and in turn brings insights on decentralized structures, financial sustainability and good governance to her Scouting volunteer roles.

Meaningful Change for World Scouting

Explore highlights of Chrissy’s track record in shaping strategic progress as a Member of the World Scout Committee in the 2021 – 2024 triennium.


Innovating our educational core

As the World Scout Committee oversight to the 4th Educational Congress in 2023, Chrissy was instrumental in the process of shaping the Roadmap for Education in Scouting, a clear and collective call adopted by the Congress to future-proof Scouting’s core business, benefitting millions of young people and adult volunteers.

It outlines transformative directions to ensure Scouting’s non-formal educational offering remains relevant and is able to adapt to the uncertainties of tomorrow. This includes: enhancing youth leadership training and learning opportunities; creating safe spaces to promote mental health and well-being; adopting new models for flexible volunteering; embracing digital education tools and technologies; and embedding education for sustainable development and global citizenship education into the Scouting programme.

Drawing on her professional expertise of crowd-based innovation processes, Chrissy positioned the Congress, the premier gathering for Scout educators, as part of the Strategy for Scouting development process, ensuring a strong alignment of World Scouting’s priorities and focus.


Providing safer and successful events

As a key member of the WOSM leadership team at the 25th World Scout Jamboree 2023, Chrissy supported the National Contingents and the Host in responding to the challenges on-site, including intercultural crisis diplomacy and stakeholder management, resource mobilization, and team leadership.

Following the conclusion of the camp, Chrissy significantly shaped WOSM’s efforts to transform the lessons learned into policies and processes for safer and more successful WOSM Events. This included the establishment and leadership of an ad-hoc group to develop guidance for Coalition Bidding in WOSM Events, and serving as the World Scout Committee Liaison to the Independent Review Panel, which was tasked with providing an impartial, external assessment of the 25th World Scout Jamboree.

In response to the findings and learnings, she initiated and led the development of the first ever WOSM Events Strategy to be approved at the World Scout Conference 2024.

strategic decision-making for world scouting

Stewarding the best interests of Scouting worldwide

In her role as a Member of the World Scout Committee 2021-2024, Chrissy was guided by three main pillars: amplifying the voices of National Scout Organizations to ensure the Committee’s focus on the best interests of the movement, fostering transparent communication with Member Organizations, e.g. by attending Regional events in-person and online (see list at the bottom of this page), and facilitating inclusive and impactful decisions in the World Scout Committee.

During her mandate on the World Scout Committee 2021-2024, she contributed significantly to:

Robust support for National Scout Organizations, including an improved GSAT 3.0 standard, 420 delivered WOSM service requests and over 400 events, trainings, seminars and conferences at Regional and World level as well as technical and financial support for humanitarian action. This helped National Scout Organizations achieve full membership recovery and the largest growth period in history of WOSM as well as the highest membership of girls in Scouting recorded at 17 million. Spearheading this in NSO engagements, Chrissy ran, for example, capacity building sessions at the Africa Scout Conference 2022, the Arab Scout Conference 2022, the World Scout Education Congress in 2023 and the Asia-Pacific Regional Scout Leader Summit 2024.

Successful implementation of the World Triennial Plan 2021-2024 and the final stretch of Vision 2023. This includes engaging over 450 volunteers in implementing 29 Operational Framework Projects with an achievement rate of 90% of the set KPIs. It also includes the development of an ambitious proposal for the next vision and strategy for Scouting. As the World Scout Committee oversight for WOSM Events as a triennial plan development area, Chrissy shaped a new strategic understanding of events as WOSM’s most public-facing value proposition and established key structures for WOSM’s future support and supervision teams.

Substantial progress on WOSM’s core strategic objectives. This encompasses the launch of a new youth leadership understanding, supported e.g. by International Leadership Trainings in the Regions, a comprehensive implementation system for Safe From Harm / safeguarding in National Scout Organizations as well as upgraded WOSM Sustainability practices. The Committee also advanced innovative Global-Regional Collaboration. This includes the phase-out of the Eurasia Region to better serve young people in the Eurasia NSOs and transitioning them to other Regions. It also includes the development of the first ever unified WOSM Planning Framework and unified Monitoring & Evaluation system. Beyond this, the Committee focused on prudent financial management of WOSM. This includes approving the Business Development & Resource Mobilization strategy which has already expanded the network of partners to 20 key institutional organizations and donors & unlock with WSF millions in additional funding Strengthened financial policies and practices & enhancement to registration fee system. Drawing on her professional experience as a consulting director and transformation leader, Chrissy helped shape these processes with a focus on strategic alignment, inclusivity and impact.

Scouting Roles and Events


  • 2021 – 2024 / Member of the World Scout Committee
  • 2020 – 2021 / Lead Volunteer for the global Communication and Strategic Partnership projects in the Express Plan
  • 2017 – 2020 / Lead Volunteer for the global workstream on Communication and Strategic Partnerships in the Triennial Plan
  • 2020 / Lead Volunteer for the World Scout Academy as part of the “100 Day COVID Response Plan”
  • 2019 / WOSM Lead Volunteer for Communications, Partnerships and the Global Development Village at the World Scout Jamboree (West Virginia, USA)


  • 2017 – 2021 / WOSM Lead Volunteer for the European Jamboree 2020
  • 2020 / Vice-Chairperson of the Extraordinary Meeting of the Eurasia Scout Conference (Kiev, Ukraine)
  • 2019 / Co-Chairperson of the European Scout Conference (Split, Croatia)


  • 2019 – 2021 / Chair of multiple National Assemblies
  • 2016 – 2018 / International Commissioner and Member of the National Board
  • 2016 – 2019 / Member of the European Youth Forum’s working group on diversity and inclusion on behalf of Scouting in Germany
  • 2014 – 2016 / European External Representative for the German Youth Council on behalf of Scouting in Germany
  • 2014 – 2015 / Woodbadge Trainer
  • 2013 – 2016 / Lead of the International Team
  • 2010 – 2014 / Member of the Regional Board and Commissioner for International Affairs in the State of Bavaria


  • 2020 – present / A number of digital formats such as WOSM Townhalls and Campfires (participant and speaker/facilitator) and in-person meetings such as Business Meetings of the World Scout Committee and workshops for working groups and taskforces
  • 2024 / Asia-Pacific Regional Summit, Thailand (World Scout Committee, facilitator)
  • 2024 / World Scout Education Congress, France (World Scout Committee oversight)
  • 2024 / World Scout Jamboree, Republic of Korea (WOSM leadership team)
  • 2023 / Next Strategy for Scouting Development Workshop (World Scout Committee, facilitator)
  • 2023 / IC Forum of the European Scout Region, Belgium (World Scout Committee, facilitator)
  • 2022 / Arab Scout Regional Conference, digital / Lebanon (World Scout Committee, participant)
  • 2022 / Africa Scout Regional Conference, Kenya (World Scout Committee, facilitator)
  • 2022 / Asia-Pacific Regional Conference, digital (World Scout Committee, participant)
  • 2021 / World Scout Conference, digital (Candidate for the World Scout Committee)
  • 2020 / WOSM Global Triennial Plan Development Meeting, Malaysia (participant)
  • 2019 / World Non-Formal Education Forum, Brazil (WOSM team)
  • 2019 / European Scout Conference und European Guide and Scout Conference, Croatia (Co-Chairperson)
  • 2019 / World Scout Jamboree, North America (WOSM lead volunteer for communications and partnerships)
  • 2018 / Global WOSM Consultants Training, Tunisia (trainer)
  • 2017 / World Scout Conference, Azerbaijan (delegate)
  • 2017 / 70th Annual Meeting of the World Scout Foundation (host team and Young BP Fellow)
  • 2017 / International Commissioners Network Meeting, UK (participant)
  • 2016 / European Scout Conference und European Guide and Scout Conference, Norway (delegate)
  • 2014 / Facilitator training for the WAGGGS program “Free Being Me” (participant)
  • 2014 / Young Spokesperson Training, Czechia (participant)
  • 2014 / World Scout Conference, Slovenia (delegate)
  • 2014 / World Scout Youth Forum, Slovenia (delegate)
  • 2013 / European Scout Conference und European Guide and Scout Conference, Germany (host team and observer)
  • 2013 / European Scout Symposium, Ireland (observer)
  • 2010 / World Scout Moot, Kenya (participant)
  • 2007 / World Scout Jamboree, UK (participant)
  • A number of German-speaking Conferences since 2011


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